In her latest project, "Digital Doppelgangers," Elle explores the interplay between interactive AI and human essence. By creating a digital version of herself, Elle examines how technology can extend our presence beyond physical limits. This project invites audiences to engage with a digital replica that resembles Elle in appearance, voice, and personality, challenging the boundaries between human and machine while sparking discussions on identity, consciousness, and the ethics of humanising AI.

For the (A)I will never be human exhibition, Elle reflects on her work through a glitch feminist lens. Glitch feminism highlights the value of imperfections and disruptions in digital systems to question traditional notions of identity, gender, and the body. Elle’s digital avatar is intentionally flawed, embodying the imperfections and idiosyncrasies of a real person rather than an idealised machine.

To visually express this concept, Elle employed custom coding to transform the 3D model into a composition of shapes and lines. This transformation symbolises the avatar’s existence in a liminal space—neither fully human nor merely a machine, but a unique entity of its own. The installation encourages viewers to ponder how digital doubles might redefine our understanding of presence and humanity and consider AI’s evolving role in society and emotional connections.

Original 3D AI model

Deconstructed 3D Model made from Code Version 1

Deconstructed 3D Model made from Code Version 2

Deconstructed 3D Model with Transcripts

Deconstructed 3D Model with Transcripts

During the designing process, the artist contemplated including transcripts that audience members had with the AI system during its exhibition in Edinburgh and London that showcase what people wanted to ask it and how the AI responded.

The following images show some work-in-progress designs that focus on different ways of deconstructing the likeness of the 3D Model.

The following images show the interactive AI installation's appearance while being exhibited.